Frequently Asked Questions
Can anyone learn Animal Communication?
What is Animal Communication?
What is Transformational Bodywork?
What is Reiki?
What is Multidimensional Healing?
What is past life healing?
What is an attunement?
Can I connect with my animal in spirit?
Can I receive messages from angels?
Can animal communication help to address a behavioural issue?
Can healing help to address a behavioural issue?
What is Applied Zoopharmacognosy?
I’m struggling with losing my animal. Can you help?
My animal suffers with separation anxiety. Is there something I can do to help them?
Can my animal feel what I am feeling?
Does my animal experience grief?
Is it common to sense my animal after they have passed away?
Why is animal communication important to learn?
Is animal communication important?
I'm not sure which animal communication class is right for me. Can you explain the difference between the Beginner's Guide to Animal Communication and the 1:1 Animal Communication Training?
How do you receive the messages from animals?
What is heart led healing?
What is an Animal Attunement?
What is animal led healing?
How does my animal request the sort of healing they would like?
How do I know which healing option to choose?
Can animal communication help me to have a better relationship with my animal?
Why do you say animal guardian rather than owner?
How many sessions will my animal need?
Do you have a newsletter?
Do you have a blog?
Why does my dog or cat stare at me?
Does my animal know that I love them?
How can animal communication help me and my animal?
My dog or cat is scared of fireworks. Can you help?
Can you help my anxious animal?
Have a question?
I hope you have found the FAQs helpful but if you still have a question, please contact me using the link below and I will be happy to answer as soon as possible
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