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Why is Animal Communication important? My top 5 reasons.

animal behaviour animal communication animal emotions animals emotional emotions Sep 01, 2023
lady communicating with her dog using animal communication

You may have an inkling that I’m passionate about animal communication! I am! It’s something that enhances my life every day, because I can connect on a deep level with animals and find ways to help them. I can also help other people to achieve a deeper connection with the animals they love. By doing this I help animals and I help people, which I think are two of the most important things I can do in this world!

For those of you who are curious about animal communication and why it’s important, here are my top 5 reasons.

  1. Animals have a voice and they deserve to be heard. Animals experience feelings and emotions. They can think for themselves. They have personalities. They have likes and dislikes. By asking to know what they have to say, we are honouring who they are as individuals and we are showing them that we would like to get to know them even better. When an animal has the opportunity to share things from their perspective, it leads to a greater understanding of who they are.
  2. We can find out what animals want and need. In my experience, animals are communicating with us all the time and they are sharing their needs and desires as part of that. It is empowering as an animal guardian to know what it is that is needed or wanted by an animal in our care. It takes away so much stress of wondering if we are getting it right!
  3. We can find out how an animal feels. Animals are really good at sharing their emotions and feelings and animal communication can be a key way to check in on happiness levels, grief, sadness and the emotional wellbeing of an animal as a whole. When we can connect on a heart level with an animal, through truly knowing how they feel, this can lead to deep emotional healing, as well as increased levels of trust.
  4. We can achieve a deeper connection with our animals. There is something quite magical about hearing the voice of an animal you love. In an animal communication session with me, you can ask them questions and send them messages of love. I can bring back messages from them for you. You can experience a sense of how your animal connects with you and your family, how they see things and what things are like from their perspective. Because of this you will have a deeper understanding of who your animal is and understanding brings a deeper connection and a stronger bond between you. Even if you already have a very close bond, animal communication can enhance the way you and your animal experience it.
  5. We can have happier, healthier and calmer animals. When we open up to the possibility that animals are communicating with us, so much can change and align in our lives. If we acknowledge signs of communication from our animals, they can feel calmer, more secure and more understood. Finding out if there is something that can be changed to improve their lives, means that we have a means of helping our animals. That knowledge brings empowerment, which is incredibly helpful, as often an issue with an animal can lead to us feeling that we don’t know what to do for the best. In my experience, animals who have the opportunity to share their messages with their guardians via an animal communication session, are calmer, more relaxed and happier as a result. I frequently find the same is true for the person involved! Which is lovely and is why I do what I do!

If you feel that you and your animal would benefit from an animal communication session with me, you can find the booking page here. If you would like to chat through anything about your animal or animal communication, please contact me or book in with me for a free discovery call. I’d love to help.

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