Sharing a Group Healing Session for Anxious Animals
Jan 24, 2025
Helping anxious animals to feel calmer and happier is one of my key roles as an animal communicator and healer. I have access to many healing techniques that can be helpful in relieving anxiety. During a healing session I tune in to what an animal needs, as well as accessing information and support from my guides, angels, Archangels and Ascended Masters.
When I’m offering healing to multiple animals at once, for example when I’m offering my free healing sessions for animals with a fear of fireworks, it’s always really interesting to witness how animals receive what they need as individuals, even within a group healing situation.
When I’m offering a group healing, there will always be an overarching healing theme that I’m made aware of and that is helpful for everyone involved. For example, the theme may be about protection, security, grounding or energy clearing.
I send out the healing that I’m guided to send out for the group, whilst at the same time, holding the intention that each individual receives what they need and can interact with the healing in the way that is best for them. This means that I can often see each animal choosing to experience the healing in their own way, by putting their individual stamp on it. In the healing that I share below, which took place on New Year’s Eve 2024, you will see that individuality was expressed through a choice of colours, safe spaces and “snowflakes”!
Here are my notes from the fear of fireworks healing session. It’s a good example of a blend of Transformational Bodywork Healing and Animal Communication:
“The healing was very much focused on providing energetic protection for all the animals who are adversely affected by fireworks. Archangels Michael, Metatron and Raphael joined their healing to create a beautiful dome of energy for each and every animal. It was rather like a series of snow globes being created and each one was portable, so that the animal could move around freely, but still have the dome of protection over them.
These domes were differently coloured, depending on the colour choice of the animal. Some chose green for healing and wellbeing. Some chose the rich blue purple of Archangel Michael’s cloak of protection. Some chose pink as the colour of love and protection for the heart.
The ”snowflakes” within each globe were little bubbles of healing light, bringing peace and that absolute quiet that comes when it’s snowing heavily. As we know, no two snowflakes are the same and so this was a way that the animals received individual healing energies.
The domes were described to me as “pillars of protection”. Although they were not pillar shaped, they individually acted as pillars and together they held a “roof” of energetic protection over the domes. It was in effect, a double layer of protection from the sounds and flashes of fireworks. Within the protected domes, calmness and peace were enhanced. The roof itself grew to become a large dome of light. The dome was lit up with pearly white and golden streaks of light. It was incredibly beautiful.
The affirmations that came through and were repeated throughout the healing session were:
“You are very safe.”
“You are very loved”.
“All is well inside your globe.”
Each animal was offered grounding and help in anchoring themselves in a space that felt safe and calm for them. This was different for each individual and included things like a favourite bed or blanket and was often a very warm and cosy space that they loved. For the animals living outside this was their den, tree or bed area where they felt the safest. The grounding and anchoring will help these spaces and areas to feel even more safe than they normally do.”
I hope you’ve enjoyed these insights! If you have any questions, I’d be glad to answer them for you.
If you have an anxious animal in your life, you may like to know more about how healing can help. I offer free discovery calls so that you can chat to me about your animal.
You can also find out more about Transformational Bodywork Healing and Animal Communication through my website pages and blogs
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