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Practicing Compassion for Yourself and Your Animal

archangel archangels ascended masters compassion crystals meditate multidimensional healing oracle cards sandalphon transformational bodywork Jan 12, 2025
Crystals placed on a book with lavendar

At the start of each new year, I spend time meditating and tuning in to what the “theme” will be for the year ahead. I love doing this! I sit with a candle and with my favourite crystals and oracle cards and connect with Archangels and Ascended Masters to gain guidance. The messages were loud and clear on the 1st of January. 2025 is the year of compassion.

This really resonated with me. In 2024 the theme was love and love was very needed in what was a quite difficult year for many of the people I know. Having love as a guiding light helped in challenging times. Compassion leads on nicely from this and I’ve been sitting with it and contemplating what compassion means to me and how I express compassion, not just for animals and people, but for myself.

The Archangel who wishes to help everyone with this is Sandalphon. I love his gentle nature and he is the Archangel who oversees Earth and supports those living on the planet. He is one of the key Archangels that I work with, especially as he oversees the Transformational Bodywork and Multidimensional Healing that I offer to animals and people.

Sandalphon says, “Where can you introduce more compassion into your life? Where can you set aside judgement and expectations and replace it with compassion for yourself and others?”

Great questions! If you’d like to spend some time connecting with what compassion means for you, you can try the following exercise.

Sit quietly, allowing around 15 minutes and have a notebook and pen to make notes. Allow your energy to settle and bring your attention to your heart. Write down anything that comes up in response to the following questions.

  1. How do you show yourself compassion? How can you show yourself more compassion?
  2. How do you show your animal compassion? How can you introduce more compassion into your interactions with your animal?
  3. How do you show compassion to others? Are there ways that you can adjust your expectations or replace a judgement with compassion?

I’d love to hear how you get on with this. If you would like some support as we enter a New Year, Transformational Bodywork is a wonderful choice both for you and your animal, helping to bring you into balance and connecting you to helpful angels and Ascended Masters.

I wish you and your animals and loved ones a beautiful and compassionate 2025.

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