Helping animals to feel safe and relaxed. Sharing a group healing session for animals with a fear of fireworks.
Nov 17, 2023Each year I offer free group distance healing for animals who are scared of fireworks. This is something that has developed over more than a decade, as I have become aware of a great need to help animals who are frightened of noises.
Each session is different and I allow the energies to flow and evolve so that each healing session is attuned to the needs of the animals who have been nominated for some extra support.
I’d like to share the healing that came through on 27th October 2023, to give you an idea of the support that is available through these healing sessions.
“I called in the angels, Archangels and angelic realms for their help and support for all animals adversely affected by fireworks. I called in Archangels Michael, Raphael and Ariel for their focused help in healing for animals. I called in St. Francis for his devoted care of animals.
Each and every nominated animal was named and blessed. This included 27 dogs, 2 cats, 2 horses and many wild animals that people were concerned about. These wild animals included birds, New Forest ponies, foxes, badgers, squirrels, hedgehogs and owls. I received a request to support Canadian wildlife including wolves, bears, otters, squirrels and eagles. Healing flowed to each and every one.
With each individual name spoken, I tuned in to that beautiful soul and asked for them to be kept safe and supported during times of firework noise, flashes and vibration. For each and every one, I sounded a tuning fork and breathed deeply for them, showing them how to release stress and tension and how to be relaxed. I sent them deep healing for relaxation.
Archangel Michael brought forward his own protection for each animal. He will assist in reducing the sounds that reach the animals and in helping them to feel safe and cosy wherever they are.
Grounding was very important today and I sent grounding to each animal. I showed them how it feels to be fully grounded and with their permission, helped them to ground into the earth to help them to feel calmer, less panicky and safely held at this time.
I also sent healing out to all areas where fireworks will be taking place as organised displays, helping to reduce sound levels and to direct sound away from where it may cause distress, as much as possible.
I asked for all wildlife to be protected. For the birds to find safe perches and the mammals, large and small to find safe burrows, safe quiet places where they can be unaware of fireworks.”
If you are concerned about how fireworks affect an animal in your life, there are a number of free resources available to you.
Nominate an animal for my free healing sessions.
Download my free booklet “Is your Dog or Cat Scared of Fireworks? 5 Top Tips to Help them to Cope with Firework Fear.”
Read my blogs about Fear of fireworks.
Book a free discovery call with me.
My online class "Easy Animal Communication for Anxious Animals" is specially designed to help a guardian to help their anxious animal to feel calmer.
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