How animals can guide their own healing
Nov 17, 2022
In my experience all animals are able to guide their own healing and this may be via animal communication, applied zoopharmacognosy, reiki, transformational bodywork or multidimensional healing.
I’m passionate about my work and life as an animal healer and animal communicator and I love the opportunity to speak about the extraordinary animals I meet and help. Each and every animal I meet is an individual and has their own story. I try to share as many of these stories as I can to help our understanding of the animal world and of how healing can enhance an animal’s life.
Some animals need essential oils and herbs to help with a physical issue such as hayfever or arthritis, whilst others want to communicate with me about how some of the experiences in their life have affected them. More and more animals are coming forward to ask for help to heal past lives that are impacting on their current lifetime. Some animals have already passed and may need soul support to help in their transition.
As an animal guardian, the ways you can help your animals are many and varied. An applied zoopharmacognosy session offers you the opportunity to support your animal’s healing by offering them the remedies they have selected for themselves. An animal communication session offers you the opportunity to ask your animal questions, to send them messages of love and to gain a deeper mutual love and trust. An animal attunement honours that bond of love and trust and further deepens it and has led to spontaneous instances of animal communication between a guardian and their animal.
I believe that we all have the ability to hear our animals! It is only a matter of tuning in to their frequency. How often have you automatically opened a door for your dog, or filled a water bowl just because of a certain look your animal gives you? This is why I’m also passionate about teaching animal communication so that we can all have a closer connection to the animals around us.
You can hear me talking about healing for all animals on YouTube here:
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