Easy Animal Communication For Anxious Animals

An online course where you can learn how to create calm for an anxious animal in your life, with my simple and effective animal communication methods.

This instant access pre-recorded text and audio class has been created with all anxious animals and their guardians in mind. I'll share with you 5 easy to follow exercises that you and your animal can enjoy together. These can help to enhance calmness and deepen your relationship with your animal, as well as supporting you along the way as you help your animal with their anxiety levels.


If you know or suspect that your animal is anxious, you're in the right place

  • Does your animal struggle in certain situations, such as being left on their own (separation anxiety), during fireworks or when meeting new animals or people?
  • There are many ways anxiety can be expressed by an animal. Some common signs of anxiety can include pacing, panting, rapid breathing and heart rate, running away, vocalising, reacting to triggers such as noises, being clingy, destructive behaviour, appearing upset or nervous
  • Some behaviours such as hyperactivity, finding it hard to relax or aggression can also be a sign of underlying anxiety
  • If your animal is anxious you may be feeling worried, overwhelmed, irritated or even guilty and in need of some help
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How this animal communication class can help 

Learn how to reduce anxiety for your animal by focusing on these key areas.

  • Help your animal to feel understood, safe and secure by devoting one to one time to communicate with them
  • Create a deeper connection with your animal with a beautiful heart connection and a daily gratitude practice
  • Introduce meditation to create calm for yourself and your animal 
  • Access the power of using affirmations and acknowledgement with your animal
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Feel empowered to help your animal

  • Learn methods that can help you to make a difference for your animal
  • Adopt animal communication into your daily routine and see the difference it makes for both of you
  • Learn how to access your own calmness and help your animal by sharing your calm energies
  • Witness how the ripple effect of practising animal communication and calmness helps both you and your animal
  • Create emotional security for your animal through holistic practices that deepen your connection and the trust between you
Yes Please, I'm in!


Supported transformation 

Receive experienced support from an animal communicator who specialises in animal anxiety.

  • In this class, learn my simple techniques in just one hour, in 5 easy pre-recorded audio lessons 
  • Tried and tested exercises for you to revisit as often as you wish
  • Specially crafted meditation and a bonus healing transmission to support your animal in achieving calm
  • Instant and ongoing access to this online class
  • No previous experience of animal communication is needed
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What my customers are saying...

It's wonderful to hear that so many people are finding that their animals are immediately engaging with them throughout the class and are actively joining in with the exercises.

The affirmations were an enjoyable experience because as I was saying them to my dog, I could sense her energy change and her tail was wagging like crazy.

Helen and Sky

The meditations are our favorite! I can really feel Finn participating along with me. Not only have the meditations been beneficial for Finn but I can feel my anxiety level lowering too!

Gen and Finn

As a guardian of a beautiful and anxious cockapoo, I find Susannah’s meditations and guidance around communicating with Sky very soothing and calming, which allows me to connect much more with my dog.”

Helen Fisher

Hi, I'm Susannah and I've been helping anxious animals and their guardians for 14 years

I've seen a big increase in the number of anxious animals needing help in the past four years. Many people contact me because their animals are affected by separation anxiety or social anxiety, owing to the lockdowns and changes that came during and after the Covid-19 pandemic.

I see that standing beside every anxious animal is a loving guardian trying to find the best way to help their animal and relieve some of their anxiety.

Because of the experiences I have had with helping anxious animals, including many traumatised rescue animals, those with deep fears and those with seemingly impossible anxiety levels, I have learned that animal communication holds an important key to unlocking calmness and reducing anxiety for both animals and their guardians.

My class "Easy Animal Communication for Anxious Animals," brings together some of the most impactful animal communication methods I have learned through helping anxious animals. My methods are very easy to learn and bring a new sense of empowerment to a guardian who has been searching for answers for their beloved animal. 

Are you ready to take the lead in creating calm for your animal and in supporting them with their anxiety, by learning animal communication? I'd love to welcome you into my class today.

Buy Now £27

Nicki and Sparky

This is Nicki's experience of taking my class and how it has helped her and her gorgeous cat Sparky:

"Thank you so much for sharing this course, it's a wonderful collection of tools, techniques, meditations, and a gentle nudge to remind everyone who has an animal in the family that having a calm animal starts with having a calm animal parent!

I found the exercises and invitations really simple, easy to follow and really effective as a focus for me in my interactions with my cat, Sparky.

Sparky isn't a generally anxious animal, but he has periods when he is unsettled and more 'jumpy', now being one of those times because the house is upside down with decorating, and I think he's having some territory spats with another cat on the street too.  It's very easy to find myself getting irritable with him when he's 'acting up' and being 'needy', at a time when I am also feeling stretched and a bit unsettled, and these exercises are great ways to get my mind and body back into a more compassionate, calm and open-hearted space with him, so that he can feel calmer and safer in this disrupted space, and so we can enjoy our time together!

It was also a reminder that sometimes I just need to stop being busy and make some calm times during the day when I am not racing around, but actually sitting still, allowing him to come and just 'be' too.  He definitely gets affected by my always dashing about here and there - something modern life inflicts on us all I feel.  

Thank you, Susannah, for pulling this together, I think it does exactly what is says - easy animal communication for anxious animals, and definitely worth investing in."

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This class is for you and your animal if....

  • You have an anxious pet or animal in your life
  • You are worried about their anxiety levels and the emotional, mental and physical effects on their wellbeing
  • You notice that anxiety is impacting on your daily life together, your routines and the places you can go
  • If you're feeling stressed or overwhelmed and would like some easy steps to take
  • If you need a new approach that feels gentle and nurtures the relationship you share with your animal
  • If your animal is sensitive to change
  • If you have ongoing issues around triggers and certain situations
  • If you have a new situation where your pet is suddenly upset or behaving out of character 
  • If you would like to bond with a new animal in your life
  • If you would like to have an even better relationship with your animal
  • If you would like to enrich your animal's life with new holistic methods
  • If you're curious about animal communication
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Have you got a question about this class, your animal's anxiety or animal communication?

I'm very happy to help. Please fill in your details and I will send you a reply. I aim to answer all queries within 48 hours.