Animal Attunements – Bringing you closer to your Animals

Animal Attunements are an exciting area of my work that I am now offering to animals and animal guardians worldwide. They have evolved from my deep connection with animals and especially when I have been giving healing with Animal Communication and Transformational Bodywork. I have found that some animals may need a stronger energetic connection to their guardian, in order for them to feel safe, to be able to release fears and tension and to heal. I am guided by the animal to give their ‘human’ an attunement to the animal's own specialised and unique animal energy signature. This brings amazing connections of deeper understanding and compassion and has also resulted in some instances, in sparking the owner being able to communicate with their animal and vice versa.

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How an Animal Attunement may help you and your animal

  • It’s a beautiful way to honour the way you feel about your ‘best friend’.
  • Deepens the bond between animal and human.
  • Establishes a relationship with an animal who is new in your life.
  • Allows your animal to feel fully connected to you and your family.
  • Brings trust, peace and understanding.
  • Can ignite the spark of animal communication and intuition.
  • Brings messages from your animal, the higher selves of yourself and your animal and blessings from high beings.
  • Can also be offered for animals who have crossed over.
  • Will open both you and your animal up to further opportunities to heal.


What to expect from an Animal Attunement

  • Sessions take place via video link or remotely with healing notes included.
  • I tune in and connect to your animal and check that they wish to work with me to bring an attunement to you.
  • You sit quietly with your animal while the attunement and relationship healing takes place.
  • Sessions last on average, around 45 minutes - 1 hour.
  • This can be added onto any other session to enhance the healing experience for you and your animal.
  • An Animal Attunement session is priced at ÂŁ88.

What about Veterinary care?

Animal Attunements are not intended to be a replacement for veterinary care and advice. A vet should always be your first port of call when you are worried about the health of your pet. Please check with your vet that they are happy for your animal to have a healing session that may include an Animal Attunement, before contacting me to make to make an appointment.

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Susannah Rafelle animal communication animal healer animal attunements UK Dorset Hampshire International Self Selection For Animals photo copyright Kristin Wieland

Kristin Wieland and her Bees

After having an animal attunement from Susannah between myself and my beehive, I saw amazing results very quickly.  I am now able to communicate so much easier with my bees and I feel we are understanding each other very clearly.  I can tell their productivity has raised, and my creativity has raised.  However, I think the largest change has come in the comfort level of both myself and the bees. The experience is strong and lasting and I am so grateful.

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